Deal is the second UK legaltech acquisition this year for the Chicago-based firm | 2w
Deal is the second UK legaltech acquisition this year for the Chicago-based firm | 2w
In the first in a short series on cloud deployment and customisation, 3Kites consultant Luke Axon gives his top tips for firms that are preparing to migrate to the cloud | 2w
The next generation of CRM systems can give firms much greater insights into their client relationships and opportunities, writes 3Kites consultant Michele Asbury | 3w
Upgrading a practice management system requires careful time planning to ensure project delays don’t create deployment challenges, writes 3Kites’ Paul Longhurst | 1mo
Historic attitudes favouring globalisation are fundamentally changing. | 1yr
Isabel Parker joins US firm in new global role | 1mo
Legal publishing giant will use technology to improve its genAI assistant | 2mos
Changing case management systems can be a complex task for law firms, writes 3Kites’ Paul Longhurst | 3mos
Profession appears relatively unscathed as flawed software update causes global chaos | 3mos
Maura O’Malley reports from London’s premier luxury law conference, which explored how the sector is innovating | 4mos
Anglo-Australian firm joins names such as A&O Shearman and Reed Smith to adopt Harvey’s technology | 4mos
3Kites’ Jon Howells outlines additional requirements firms should take into account when making IT-related purchases | 5mos
Ben Rigby reports from London International Disputes Week’s main conference in Westminster | 5mos
For firms interested in using SharePoint as their intranet platform, 3Kites consultant Anthony Olisa shares some tips on how to improve their search experience | 5mos
Balancing confidentiality and transparency is an evolving landscape for UPC proceedings, writes Mewburn Ellis partner Matthew Naylor | 5mos
In this second in a three part series on how legal teams can use intranets for knowledge management, 3Kites consultant Anthony Olisa outlines best practice for knowledge search | 5mos
Former Australian prime minister and UK secretary general will discuss state-related dispute resolution at June event | 6mos
Four hundred-strong practice brings together alternative legal services and tech teams | 6mos
Integrating AI into everyday working life for lawyers means firms and in-house teams need to adopt a comprehensive change management programme, writes Litera’s Adam Ryan | 6mos
Latest roster reduced from 15 to 11 firms; carrot of free place for most tech-savvy firm offered for next review | 6mos
As cyber threats continue to evolve, firms may need to consider new cyber security defences to maintain adequate protection, writes 3Kites’ Jon Howells | 7mos