Service Terms & Conditions

The Global Legal Post Service Terms & Conditions

This Agreement is between you and Global City Media Limited (GCM, we, our) (registered office - 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE) which owns and operates The Global Legal Post and ("Website").

If you do not agree to these Terms & Conditions please leave the Website. Your ongoing use of the Website signifies your acceptance of these terms and any changes or additions made to them over time. "Personal Information" means Personal Data as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 as amended.

You are responsible for compliance with this agreement and for the lawful use of the Website and associated services. You agree to fully comply with this Agreement, including the acceptance of liability as detailed in this Agreement.


    You will not engage in or encourage any action or conduct that:

    1. Breaches, without limitation, any third party's rights including copyright and patent rights, trade mark rights, or rights of confidence;
    2. Is unlawful, defamatory, offensive, fraudulent, threatening or abusive, harassing or deceptive;
    3. Invades another's privacy or degrades, or intimidates another on the basis of religion, age, disability, race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation;
    4. Impersonates GCM or its personnel or any person or business or organisation;
    5. Constitutes a business advertisement;
    6. May harm the Website to the detriment of other users or attempt to gain unauthorised access to our services, networks, servers or user accounts.
    1. Certain areas of the Website may allow you to post User Generated Content (text, messages and/or other information - "UGC") that can be accessed and viewed by others. This UGC may not violate this agreement;
    2. GCM does not claim ownership of any UGC that you may post, but when you submit UGC to public areas of the website, you grant us/ our affiliates a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use, display, distribute, copy, adapt, store, and promote the UGC in any medium on a perpetual basis and you agree that we may sub-license it to third parties as we choose;
    3. By posting any UGC anywhere on the Website, in addition to your responsibilities set out above, you agree, represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary permissions, rights, consents, and licenses, (including the written consent, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in the UGC) to authorise us to use all proprietary rights, copyrights, patents and trademarks (including the use of the name of each and every such identifiable individual person) to facilitate the use of such UGC in the manner contemplated by us and this Agreement;
    4. GCM reserves the right to remove or block UGC, posts or other content at our absolute discretion. We have no duty to pre-screen UGC for any reason;With the exception of UGC, the copyright in all content on the website is the property of GCM, its affiliates and/or its licensors. You may not, unless expressly permitted, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, enter into a database, display, modify, create derivative works from, transmit or in any way exploit any part of the Website or any content, outside the parameters of "fair use";
    5. On the Website, UGC, opinions and other statements expressed by users, third parties and bloggers is theirs alone, not opinions of GCM its affiliates and/or its licensors and is the sole responsibility of the third parties. The accuracy and completeness of said UGC is not endorsed or guaranteed by GCM and by allowing access to UGC, GCM and its assigns, employees (including directors), shareholders, affiliates and officers is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to the content and assumes no responsibility or liability which may arise from the content thereof, including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, libel, slander, infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, profanity, fraud, or misrepresentation.
    1. Your use of the Website is at your sole risk and is provided without warranties of any kind, including the availability of the Website. We do not warrant that the Website will be free from any viruses or such similar contaminants that could damage your computer or data held on it. The use of the Website for commercial purposes is entirely at your own, and your employer's risk;
    2. GCM shall not be liable for any loss not reasonably foreseeable by GCM when this Agreement is entered into, nor for any loss of data, profit, revenue or business or wasted expenditure, howsoever caused, arising from your use of the Website or for any other claim related in any way to your relationship with GCM;
    3. GCM does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any product or service offered by a third party, and will not be a party to, or responsible for monitoring, any transaction between you and such a third party;
    4. GCM shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of our obligations under this Agreement caused by matters beyond our reasonable control. Without limitation, save for death or personal injury, GCM’s liability with regard to your use of the Website or in connection with this Agreement, regardless of the circumstance, form of action or cause, will not exceed £500. Your statutory rights are unaffected;
    5. You agree to defend and indemnify harmless GCM, its affiliates and licensees against all claims, liabilities, and expenses, (including legal fees) arising from any infringement of third party rights resulting from any breach of this Agreement for which you are responsible;
    6. We do not purport to provide legal or other professional advice. GCM is not responsible for you taking or refraining from taking actions on the basis of information provided by the Website;
    7. You may be allocated a unique username and password for your authorised use only. These are not transferable, and you shall keep them strictly confidential and secure. You shall indemnify GCM against any unauthorised use of your user name and password, including use by a third party where you have allowed or facilitated that third party to have access to any Data received in conjunction with any of the Services, however so received;
    8. Although every care is taken in the preparation of information supplied by the Website, GCM is not responsible for any loss suffered as a result of any action taken or refrained from being taken as a result of any information contained on the Website or supplied by The Global Legal Post in any form;
    9. We may change this Agreement from time to time and will post the updated Agreement on the Website. Changes will take effect immediately or on a date which is nominated on the Website or a in a communication we send to you. Your ongoing use of the Website after the changes take effect signifies your agreement to the updated Agreement. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this Agreement and any additional terms posted on the Website. If you disagree with changes that are made to this Agreement, you must leave the Website.
    1. In this section, the term “the Materials” refers to any content downloaded and/or the content of any physical books ordered.
    2. All intellectual property rights in the Materials are reserved to GLP.
    3. Where reference is made to any element of the Materials, such reference should not present the Materials out of context and due acknowledgement must be made of the source.
    4. GLP accepts no liability for any use made of the Materials. To avoid doubt, the Materials do not purport to constitute legal advice and GLP accepts no liability in this regard.
    5. Where a physical copy of the book is ordered, it will be delivered to the address provided when placing the order. The order will be fulfilled by a third party signed for courier service and GLP shall have no liability in respect of any delay in the performance of such service.
    6. Where the Materials are downloaded from the site, their use is restricted to the registered user who implemented the download.

    GCM takes the privacy of its users seriously. It is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its Users.

    If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy or would like us to amend or destroy your details please contact us at [email protected].

    1. All information supplied by you as defined under this agreement is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act). The Act requires GCM to be registered as a Data Controller and the registration number is 5792730. You can access the data held by contacting us at [email protected]. We make a nominal charge of £10, as authorised by the Act, to cover administration costs;
    2. Your information will not be disclosed to a third party without your permission and will be used only to provide service(s) specifically requested by you. Your details may be transferred to another company if ownership of the Website changes;
    3. The website uses cookies. You may choose not to accept cookies but this will prevent the proper functioning of the Website;
    4. Whenever you request a page, username, IP address, browser and version and operating system are stored in a log file. This information is only used for statistical purposes to help improve this site and provide accurate statistics to advertisers in the form of aggregated data. GCM cannot guarantee that third-party services accessible through the Website operate the same Privacy Policy;
    5. GCM reserves the right to update and change this Privacy Policy at any time. However, we will not use information submitted by you under this current notice in a way not currently described herein without also notifying you of such change, and giving you an opportunity to opt-out, or otherwise prevent that new use of your information.
    1. All rights in "The Global Legal Post" and "The Global Legal", and other marks owned by GCM are reserved.
    1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. You and we submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales in relation to any dispute arising out of this Agreement.
    1. You agree that we may send to you in electronic form any notices, disclosures, reports, documents or other communications relating to the Website (collectively, Notices). We can send you Notices to the email address that you provided to us during registration for this purpose or by posting the Notice on the Website. Any Notice from us shall be deemed effective the day after it is sent or posted by us.
    1. This Agreement, together with other documents and agreements referred to or entered into under it, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us relating to the Website.
    1. We may assign this Agreement to any third party, which is to provide the Website (or part of it) at any time without notice to you. You may not assign this Agreement to anyone else.
    1. You agree that this Agreement is not intended to confer and does not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties to this Agreement, whether under the Contracts (Rights Of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
    1. The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect or impact the continuation in force of the remainder of this Agreement.
    1. If you or we fail to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement, that failure won't operate as a waiver of that right or remedy, or prevent it from being exercised subsequently.
  14. Global Legal Post Masterclass
    1. Refund policy
      30 days: Attendees can receive refunds up to 30 days before the event start date.