Romanian art trial held up over lawyer dress code

A trial of five Romanians accused of the theft of seven modern masterpices has been held up after one of the defense lawyers wore 'inappropriate' clothing.

Rotterdam: scene of the crime Mediagram

A judge presiding over a high profile art theft trial in Romania reacted badly when one of the defense lawyers turned up late and wearing jeans and  sneakers.
Catalin Dancu arrived at the court for the trial of the five Romanians accused of stealing seven paintings from Rotterdam’s Kunsthal gallery, saying he had been delayed at another court, according to the Miami Herald.

Flouting dress regulations

However, Judge Ioan Adrian Chitoiu was having none of it and imposed the maximum fine on Mr Dancu for flouting dress regulations and poor time-keeping. An angry Mr Dancu demanded that the judge be suspended, arguing that he was ‘scented, shaved and fresh’ and his sneakers cost 200 euros.
Proceedings were adjourned at the  trial over the theft of seven paintings from a range of modern masters including Matisse and Picasso. 

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