Mtetwa's lawyers launch High Court appeal

Lawyers representing jailed Zimbabwean human rights defender Beatrice Mtetwa lodged an application at the High Court yesterday in the latest bid for her release.

Zimbabwe: bail application postponed

The application, which was heard this morning by Justice Joseph Musakwa, has been postponed until Monday morning, reports News Day.

Bail application

The lawyers are seeking a ruling from the higher court to set aside the dismissal of an earlier bail application by Harare Provincial Magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa.
Mr Gofa dismissed the original bail application on the basis that if it was granted Ms Mtetwa would interfere with police investigations, according to All Africa.

Criminal dossiers

Ms Mtetwa was arrested while attending to clients who stand accused of running an NGO and impersonating police officers in order to compile corruption and criminal dossiers against government officials.
Several human rights organisations have called on Zimbabwean authorities and President Robert Mugabe to release Ms Mtetwa while the Law Society of England and Wales claimed that the arrest of Ms Mtetwa does not comply with United Nations basic principles on the role of lawyers.

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