Loretta Cecil will replace David Buckman later this month
Third edition edited by Fabrizio Jacobacci and Alan Behr is essential reading for luxury brands
Stephen Simcock will replace Rob Lavet, who is retiring and moving to a director role
John Rogovin replaces Erich Anderson, who moves to a special counsel role amid a potential US ban on TikTok
Lecture by Richard Moorhead suggests existence of ‘orthodoxy’ in which clients’ interests trump justice
Atiba Adams will replace Catherine Tang as CLO, who announced her exit earlier this year
Robert Keele joined xAI earlier this month, Bloomberg reported
Deputy GC Deborah Briones will replace three-decade veteran Ed Nektriz
Regan MacPherson succeeds veteran in-house counsel David Teichmann, who is moving to an advisory role
Manny Alvare is promoted to GC, having previously run the legal department as VP of legal affairs
Isabelle Meyer will replace Catriona Macritchie, who is retiring after her second spell with the company
Mark Manno rejoins as general counsel, replacing Roger Nicholson who is exiting the company at the end of this month
Kristin Corcoran, who has been with the company since 2022, will replace CLO Todd Watson
Stephanie Culpepper replaces Jim Henson, who will focus on his role as president of Lument Finance Trust
Colleen Batcheler to take legal head role, which has been vacant since Lori Marco left in October
Andrew Johnson joins from 3D Systems, replacing outgoing GC Brian Heller
Chad Ho is replacing long-time legal chief Stacey Goff, who is exiting after 26 years with the company
Jeff Novota will replace Mark Shaw, who is moving to an advisor role after almost 24 years as CLO
David Weintraub will replace Michael Solender at the Big Four firm in July
Disney’s deputy GC Jill Ratner will succeed Leah Weil, who is leaving Sony after nearly three decades